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Fixed error in Sandy Bridge L3 miss ratio calculation

Thomas Gruber requested to merge github/fork/LangdalP/master into master

Created by: LangdalP

I noticed that on my Sandy Bridge rig, the L3 miss ratio did not range between 0-1, but between 0 and some arbitrarily high number. This was because the division failed because it was wrongly specified.

I do not fully understand the syntax used for the calculations, but I managed to fix it by changing the divisor to PMC1:MATCH0=0x0081:MATCH1=0x1, which matches how it was specified in the EVENTSET section. Before I changed it, the divisor was PMC1:MATCH0=0081:MATCH1=0x1. Notice that MATCH0 is set to 0081 before, and 0x0081 after.

After making this change, the L3 miss ratio is equal to OFFCORE_RESPONSE_0_OPTIONS / OFFCORE_RESPONSE_1_OPTIONS, which seems to range between 0-1 in my experiments.

As mentioned, I do not fully understand the file syntax, so someone should inspect the changes to see that they are correct.

What was done, specifically: 'MATCH0=0081' was changed to 'MATCH0=0x0081' in a few places

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